SQUARE, LT, A, RB, LT, LT, ←, RB, →, LB, LB, LB LB, RB, Y, ↓, RT, A, LB, ↑, LT, LT, LB, LB RT, LT, RB, LB, LT, RT, X, Y, B, Y, LT, LB LT, →, LB, ↑, A, LB, LT, RT, RB, LB, LB, LB GTA San Andreas Xbox Cheat Codes (TBC for Definitive Edition, will work with previous Xbox releases): If viewing on mobile, scroll right to view full table. As long as you press them in order, they should work! Xbox cheats for GTA San Andreas are entered by simply pressing the following buttons on the controller in the right order. GTA San Andreas Xbox cheat codes: All GTA San Andreas cheats for Xbox listed

This is another reason to save your game first! While re-entering most "mode"-style cheats (ones that toggle something on or off, like slow motion for instance) will bring up a "Cheat Deactivated" notification, we often found when testing them out that this didn't do anything and the cheat remained active until we quit the game or reloaded a save. This is an obvious one, but make sure you always save before entering cheats, just in case something goes wrong and you cause a little too much havoc. As such, use a separate save file for any cheat-filled sessions.

Keep this in mind when using these cheats while this page will always keep every cheat listed for those playing previous re-releases, we will in time flag which ones are confirmed and which aren't for the Definitive Edition specifically when the dust on launch has settled. Not only has Rockstar confirmed it has removed some cheats for technical reasons, but there are mixed reports for which cheats are confirmed and which aren't, depending on both the user and platform.

Here's a quick rundown of what you should know.

While entering cheats is all pretty simple, there are a few things to bear in mind when you're thinking of using them. GTA San Andreas cheat codes explained, including what we know about Definitive Edition cheats so far If you're looking for more explainers, we have pages on San Andreas gyms and fitness, girlfriends and how to leave Los Santos.