
Saints row 4 motorcycles
Saints row 4 motorcycles

saints row 4 motorcycles saints row 4 motorcycles

Stilwater has undergone a dramatic change since the first game. After you bust out of prison, you’ll get back to your old stomping grounds, Stilwater. The tutorial does a nice job at giving you the little ins and outs of how to control your character and interact with the environment. So starting out you have to bust out of the prison and here is where you can either go through a tutorial to teach you how to play or a take a different route where you get into the main game faster. Either way your created character will appear as is in all cut scenes. He actually sounded like Mel Gibson and I was thrown off a few times when he would talk during the cut scene. For my game I took a suggestion from the THQ rep and created a nice little rendition of the Heath Ledger Joker from The Dark Knight with a British accent and an insane look when he’s standing around. I had to remember that I only had a limited time with the game but you could easily be lost for hours in creating a look for your character. You can also change your fighting style, taunts, and voices as well to complete your avatar. I could talk for a good few pages on what you can do to adjust your characters appearance but Volition’s character creation feature is really top notch. You can adjust the character to very minute details like how the eyelids are shaped both upper and lower individually, the eyeball depth, the depth of the back of the neck, and so forth. Options available are vast and I mean vast. The sequel lets you choose from both a male or female base model to start with so those that wanted to play a female protagonist in the first game can now do so in the second. Saints Row 2 features an all new character creation feature with a ton of new options and a greater control on how you want your character to look. After busting out of prison, you travel back to Stilwater in order to get some revenge on those that tried to take you out reforming the 3rd Street Saints. Things have changed a lot in Stilwater as the 3rd Street Saints that you joined in the first game have fallen apart. The sequel sees you you wake up from a coma after the explosion on the yacht that was thought to have killed you only put you out of commission for five years. There weren’t any restrictions and I was able to do whatever I want. I was able to start from the beginning and had my hands on the build for a good few hours. THQ was kind enough to let me get my hands on the almost finished product on the Xbox 360 and take it for a spin. That’s a pretty good feat and the folks at Volition are coming out with the sequel here soon. How successful you ask? Well, before Assassin’s Creed, Saints Row was the biggest selling third party Xbox 360 game. Saints Row was a very successful game for THQ.

Saints row 4 motorcycles